Thursday, 20 August 2015

Results in Perspective

"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." - John Dewey

It seems like just yesterday I was picking up my GCSE results, the fact that its been 10 years is actually quite terrifying.
Those tests and those results were daunting because of the pressures school and society placed on them. It felt as though the letter I received in relation to those tests not only defined my intelligence but also my identity and how my life would turn out.
Safe to say with hindsight and life experience the grade from a test, in and of itself, is no scale by which to measure a person.
It's the common misconception, people who get As are more intelligent and harder working than those stupid and lazy people who only managed Es & Fs. 
If you sat your GCSEs and got A*s and As galore a sincere well done to you. If you sat your GCSE and got a D when you were predicted an F. An equal amount of praise is deserved. No? Surely?! While the grade may not be as impressive the work ethic and study deserves significant and equal praise to an A does it not?
To achieve a D or an E, or to even just turn up to the exam is a massive achievement for many young people who have received their results today. It's not cheesey and its not an "everyone's a winner" mentality. It's just the reality of it. A young person should not be made to feel that the letter they receive from a GCSE is a indication of their character.
In society and in the education system this is not promoted. Many young people are made to feel that they should define themselves by their grades. A sad view in my opinion.
I am am advocate of hard work, of resilience, of fortitude and of perseverance. Which is why I am so immensely proud of the young people who I work with today. These are the characteristics that myself and my amazing colleagues seek to instill and promote on a daily basis and our young people have shown them in abundance. 
If you were to cast your eyes down the results spreadsheet you would see more Es than you'd see at a house rave! But these Es are a huge achievement because these learners weren't even supposed to make it to the exam hall.
One of my learners got a D! She came to us 2 years ago on an F. Has had her ups and downs, suffers from depression, alcohol and drug misuse but has worked so hard and achieved a D. The smile on her face this morning was infectious.
Another young girl is the primary carer for her mother and also cares for her younger siblings. She also secured a D despite attendance being below 70% due to family commitments.
One young man, had been removed from 2 schools and a PRU (Pupil Referral Unit) before joining us. Today he received a B. Highly deserved amidst his battle to get out of a lifestyle of gangs, violence and negative peer groups.
GCSEs are useful. I am not discrediting them. They serve a purpose no doubt. I push every learner to try their best and apply themselves. But they should not be used as an indication of who a young person is. Or what they will become.
The biggest test these young people and indeed we all face is life itself.
My favourite verse is Job 23 v 10 "But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold."
As a Christian it's a great comfort to know that my life with its ups and downs is in the hand of God. That he will give me nothing I can't handle and that in difficult times I can call out to Him to help me through. In the good times I can praise Him for his goodness to me.
My identity as a Christian, is not in my GCSEs, my A-Levels or my job. It's in Jesus Christ, my Lord and Saviour.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

The Value of a Soul

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."
Nelson Mandela

Anyone who has known me from a young age will know my passion and love for animals. No group of animals am I more passionate about than the Big Cats. I had every series of "Big Cat Diaries" taped off the TV onto VHS. I watched Lion King on repeat. I had endless books and drawings. I adore Tigers and Lions above all other animals. They are magnificent, majestic and mighty creatures. Such was their beauty that even pre conversion they convinced me of a Creator.

As I have grown up my love for animals has not waned, although becoming a vet was beyond me, I have channelled this passion into owning a Bull Terrier. I believe animals should be loved and respected and try to teach these values to the young people I work with. I have made lessons based on Blackfish, Virunga and the Dangerous Dogs Act to try and get them to broaden their understanding of wildlife and human interactions with animals.

So it might surprise some that I have found the response to the killing of Cecil the Lion this week a bit disappointing.

Cecil is no doubt a beautiful specimen and to see such a regal animal slaughtered for sport is appalling and wrong! Make no mistake about it, it's wrong. But the response in both the media and social media of outcry, outrage and mourning has struck me. I see no such response when a young teenager is gunned down or stabbed to death in London.

And herein lies my issue. The death of a lion, beautiful and fearfully made as he is, has received more media coverage and public sympathy than the deaths of young people in London and across the country receive.

I'm a Londoner through and through. So when I learn that 175 teenagers have been murdered in London in the last 10 years I'm heartbroken. How many of them can you or I name? Cecil the Lion has been granted more of an identity than the majority of these children and that causes me great discomfort.

More than my love for animals is my love for young people. I work with some of the most vulnerable in the country. I work with young people who live around guns, knives and death and are completely desensitised to the threat of them all. Of these 175 young people who have been murdered in London I worked with 1 and knew 2 others.

The media will call young people  "gang members","youths" or "hoodies" as if they therefore warrant the death that befalls them. They fail to recognise or address the social issues that lead young people into these lifestyles. I often hear "they have a choice". Yes the choice between a broken home full of abuse and neglect or the choice of a peer group that feels safer despite the threat of violence. In the borough I work in 50% of children live in poverty. They are eating from food banks with little to no parental input and people wonder why the lure of crime and quick money is so attractive to them?! 

The experiences many of these young people have had to endure by the age of 14 are enough to break an adult.

Yet when these young people are killed society affords them very little outcry, very little outrage and very little mourning.

As a society how is it that we value the life of a lion over the life of a young person?

This is not a lecture. This is just me thinking and writing but I can't help but comment on these things.

As a Christian I believe we as people have souls. We are made in God's image. So when a young person dies, I have to ask myself. What has happened to their soul? It's a question we all need to ask ourselves. Where will our soul go when we die?

Cecil had no soul. We as people do!

I feel a responsibility to tell and show young people the Lord Jesus Christ. For it is only through knowing the Lord Jesus Christ that we can be assured of an eternity in heaven. I need to tell them and show them now! Because the reality is they are walking life's tightrope everyday!

Jesus himself said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19 v 14).

Jesus calls children and young people to come to him so that they may be with him in heaven. It's my desire to tell as many young people as I can about Jesus so they can know him for themselves.

Our priorities as society should lie in our children. They are our future. And is there any higher matter of urgency than our eternity?

I hope and pray that my young people and the others will be kept safe over the summer and when I see them again in September. I will be able to replicate Jesus love and care for them and they may desire to know Him for themselves.